
for Spotify

The desktop application that lets you control Spotify using only your keyboard.

A screenshot of the desktop application TuneCommander
Keep your hands on that keyboard.

Summon TuneCommander, search your library and the Spotify catalog, play or queue up your favorite tunes, and more.

All without ever touching your mouse.

Control your music without missing a beat.

The right music is key to staying in the zone.

Don't let the process of picking it throw you off; bring up TuneCommander with your keyboard shortcut and play the music of your choice within seconds.

Interact with your library in brand-new ways.

Pin your most frequent listens, give custom tags to artists, songs, albums, playlists to find them all in a jiff, and get suggestions based on your listening habits.

Coming soon.

TuneCommander is currently in development, with a planned alpha release in January 2024.

If you are reading this, you have the chance to be an early adopter, help shape the app, and be among the first to take it for a test drive.

Here are three ways to stay in the loop:

  1. Follow @erjson on X/Twitter for the latest updates.
  2. Join /r/tunecommander to engage with me and the community.
  3. Sign up for the mailing list below for the big news only (no spam, promise!), as well as priority access to the upcoming alpha release.

Did that get your attention?

Great, so let's put away the Apple-esque marketing language and get real for a minute.

Inspired by great apps like Spotlight and Alfred (and more recently, RayCast), TuneCommander is an application that I've thought about making for a long time, and in 2020 I did put together an MVP.

Life got in the way, and development halted, but I have used this old build of the app daily since.

I recently got the chance to revisit this project and clean it up for a potential public release. Here you can see a video demo I made of the 2020 version of the app, and I can't wait to share the new version with you all in 2024.


What platforms will be supported?

The initial version is being developed for macOS only. However, I am using the cross-platform framework Tauri which should make it possible to port the app to Windows and possibly even Linux in the near future.

Will it support other music services, like Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Tidal?

Not to begin with, but the app has been designed with multiservice support in mind. If you would like to see TuneCommander support for the service that you are using, please let me know!

Will it work with Spotify Free?

My theory is that the whole premise of this app is not very compatible with Spotify Free's playback control limitations. Therefore, at least in the initial version, only Spotify Premium will be supported.

What will it cost? Will there be a subscription?

The exact price has not been set yet, but there will be a free tier that covers the basic use cases, and a one-time payment (I know you already have enough subscriptions) for some more advanced features.

Big discounts are planned for the first customers, so sign up for the newsletter for your chance at the early-bird pricing.

Is it keyboard-only, or does it also work with the mouse?

The whole idea of TuneCommander is to allow you to select your next listen as quickly and smoothly as possible. For this purpose, the keyboard is unrivaled.

With that said, some people will prefer to use the mouse at times, and I am all about making your life simpler, so yes; it does support the mouse as well.

Who is making this app?

Erik Johansson, a full-stack web developer.
For more information about me and my background, check out my website.

I have an idea or question for the app! Where can reach you?

Sweet, can't wait to hear it!
Email hello@erikjson.com, make a post on /r/tunecommander, or send a DM/Tweet to @erjson on X/Twitter.

I want this app to become a reality! How can I give my support?

I'll drop the mailing list signup here again, as that is currently the best way to show that there is a demand.

© Erik Johansson. All Rights Reserved.